Táboa de contidos

Notas da versión 22w19a



  • O Gardiáns e os Golems de ferro agora aseguranse de se xerar sobre algo sólido

Cambios técnicos

  • Os servidores poden agora permitir un avance de chat, a cal mostra unha prevista controlada polo servidor sobre a caixa do chat
  • Cambios nos comandos de locate e place
  • Etiquetas de puntos de interese

Avance de chat


Patrón do comando place

Tipos de punto de interese

Bugs Arranxados

  • MC-197647 - Players cannot jump off the edge of blocks when sneaking if they have a block above.
  • MC-231600 - Sculk sensor continuously receives vibrations when next to a powered big dripleaf.
  • MC-249130 - Tadpoles hatch inside of adjacent blocks, causing them to suffocate and die.
  • MC-249161 - Frogs frequently get stuck below lily pads.
  • MC-249634 - Warden’s sniffing behavior continues after being distracted.
  • MC-249664 - Warden despawns when far away.
  • MC-249801 - Mineshafts can intersect ancient cities.
  • MC-249888 - Warden is not angered when hit by a blaze fireball.
  • MC-249910 - Warden “Nearby Closest” sound is unused.
  • MC-249966 - Warden can stop chasing a target it just roared at.
  • MC-250172 - Warden doesn’t turn towards the direction it is firing the Sonic Boom attack.
  • MC-250233 - A warden summoned from a spawn egg suddenly losing its AI.
  • MC-250255 - Warden’s Sonic Boom cannot hurt Ender Dragon, it only pushes it back.
  • MC-250272 - Warden spawns in blocks that have no collision.
  • MC-250353 - Warden cannot spawn on a single snow layer like other mobs.
  • MC-250357 - Sculk sensors and Wardens detect when a player holds up a shield.
  • MC-250948 - Warden’s ranged attack is no longer affected by the game’s difficulty.
  • MC-250966 - Dying to the warden’s sonic boom doesn’t count as the warden’s kill.
  • MC-251029 - Warden froze and stopped being hostile towards the player.
  • MC-251263 - “Invalid signature for profile public key” when trying to open a singleplayer world.
  • MC-251316 - The game crashes when loading chunks that consist of jigsaw blocks.
  • MC-251321 - Warden can be pushed by explosions while emerging.
  • MC-251350 - /give @s goat_horn gives an unregistered goat horn.
  • MC-251396 - .lang.IllegalArgumentException: Name and ID cannot both be blank.
  • MC-251464 - When passive mobs take damage from warden’s sonic boom, they won’t flee in panic.

Obtención da instantánea

As instantáneas están dispoñibles para Minecraft: Edición Java. Para instalala, abre o lanzador de Minecraft e habilita as instantáneas na pestana de “Instalacións”.

As instantáneas poden corromper o teu mundo así que, por favor, realiza unha copia de seguridade e/ou utilizaas nunha carpeta distinta da usada usualmente para os teus mundos.

Ficheiro jar multiplataforma: jar de servidor.

Reporta bugs aquí: Traqueador de problemas de Minecraft

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Publicado: 2022/05/12
Autor: Adrian Östergård
Tradutor: Ran#

Publicación orixinal