Notas da versión 22w14a
![22w14a 22w14a](
Mangleiros! Ras temperadas! Bloques de lama! Máis mangleiros! Hoxe, estamos estusiasmados de traervos a snapshot máis a-lama-da ata a data!
Tamén é certo que é a nosa única snapshot a-lama-da ata o día de hoxe, pero o importante é que o noso novo bioma, o pantano de mangleiro, está dispoñible para probar; xunto con outras características secundarias como a brúxula de recuperación e moitos máis beliscos técnicos.
Novas características na 22w14a
- Engadida a renovación da arxila.
- Engadidos as mangleiros.
- Engadido o bioma do pantano de mangleiros.
- Engadido o fragmento de eco e a compás de recuperación.
Renovación da arxila
Colocar unha estalactita dun bloque de lonxitude baixo un bloque de lama provocará que este se acabe convirtindo nun bloque de arxila.
Introducido un novo tipo de árbore adaptada á auga que se crea apoiandose nas súas raíces:
- Teñen probabilidade de xerar unha colmea.
- Medran a partir de propágulos de mangleiro.
Compás de recuperación
Un novo obxecto que pode ser elaborado (crafteado) a partir de fragmentos de eco. Os cales soamente se poden atopar nos cofres de cidades antigas.
- A diferenza dunha brúxula normal, esta apunta ó lugar onde o xogador morreu por última vez.
- Se non te atopas na dimensión da morte, ou inda non morriches, moverase aleatoriamente.
- Pode ser elaborada a partir dunha brúxula inicial rodeada por 8 fragmentos de eco.
O Gardián (Warden) agora enfadase con calquer mob que se choque contra el, non soamente os xogadores.
Cambios técnicos
- CatType fields on enitites with type minecraft:cat have been replaced with variant, with numeric values being replaced with string ids (so, for example, 5 becomes minecraft:calico)
- Some mutually exclusive tests in entity predicate (player, fishing_hook, lightning_bolt and catType) have been collapsed to type_specific field
- Added item_delivered_to_player advancement trigger
- Added allay_drop_item_on_block advancement trigger
Predicado de entidade
player, fishing_hook, lightning_bolt and catType fields have been replaced with type_specific
type_specific has field type (one of player, fishing_hook, lightning_bolt or cat) and same fields as removed fields
"lightning_bolt": {
"blocks_set_on_fire": 0
"type_specific": {
"type": "lightning",
"blocks_set_on_fire": 0
- catType has been wrapped to match new format and now uses new cat variant names instead of texture names:
"catType": "minecraft:textures/entity/cat/british_shorthair.png"
"type_specific": {
"type": "cat",
"variant": "minecraft:british"
- New type_specific options:
- frog has variant field matching frog variant (minecraft:warm, minecraft:temperate or minecraft:cold)
- slime applies for slimes and magma creams, has size field matching slime size (smallest is 1)
Removed field location from triggers location, slept_in_bed, hero_of_the_village and voluntary_exile - it was handled exactly the same as player.location.
Novas deteccións
- Triggered when an allay delivers an item to a player.
- Condicións:
- player - a player for which this trigger runs
- Triggered when an allay drops an item on a block.
- Condicións:
- player - a player for which this trigger runs
- location - a predicate for the block that the item was dropped on
- item - a predicate for the item that was dropped
Bugs arranxados
- MC-207289 - Sculk sensor wool occlusion has directional bias.
- MC-207635 - Sculk sensors react differently to wool occlusion depending on the global direction.
- MC-249075 - Sculk shrieker isn’t grouped with other sculk related blocks in the decorations tab of creative inventory.
- MC-249122 - block.sculk_catalyst.bloom has no subtitle.
- MC-249254 - Frogs eating named slimes or magma cubes isn’t logged in console.
- MC-249384 - Warden can create Light, barriers or structure voids particles when digging.
- MC-249386 - The entity shadows of wardens are too small in relation to the size of their models.
- MC-249387 - Warden’s digging sound is the same as its emerging sound.
- MC-249400 - The vertical movement of wardens when they’re in liquids is too sensitive.
- MC-249401 - Warden spawn egg isn’t alphabetized correctly.
- MC-249415 - Wardens won’t pathfind through lava even though they’re immune to it.
- MC-249422 - Some subtitles relating to the warden don’t contain possessive apostrophes where appropriate.
- MC-249426 - Angered wardens play the “warden takes notice angrily” sound when hit in survival on top of their hurt sound.
- MC-249430 - Wardens remember players in creative mode.
- MC-249434 - The warden indefinitely roars when attacked by multiple entities.
- MC-249445 - Activated sculk shriekers fail to summon the warden when broken.
- MC-249447 - Activated sculk shriekers fail to summon the warden if you run away.
- MC-249451 - Warden doesn’t appear in spawner.
- MC-249455 - “Not a string” appears in log when serializing angered Warden.
- MC-249473 - Some Warden sounds play in Peaceful difficulty.
- MC-249476 - Warden can spawn in water.
- MC-249479 - Wardens will attack their teammates.
- MC-249499 - Warden summoned with ‘Silent’ tag still plays heartbeat sounds.
- MC-249504 - The sounds of wardens groaning angrily aren’t controlled by the “Hostile Creatures” sound slider.
- MC-249509 - Warden is invisible for a split second when spawned in by spawner or spawn egg.
- MC-249517 - Warden doesn’t detect non-player mobs colliding with them.
- MC-249526 - Sculk shriekers are not activated when the player is riding something.
- MC-249530 - Warden’s hitbox shows up in peaceful difficulty.
- MC-249531 - Warden indefinitely roars when the attack target is invulnerable.
- MC-249646 - The warden sniffs excessively after killing a mob.
- MC-249659 - Sculk Catalyst and Sculk Veins only drop when broken by Silk Touch hoe.
- MC-249664 - Warden despawns when far away.
- MC-249674 - Wardens forget their targets on world reload.
- MC-249712 - Server hangs and game stops responding when loading a chunk containing a structure with an allay.
- MC-249714 - Z-fighting can be seen on the wings of allays during their death animation.
- MC-249720 - Allay’s wings are not attached to its body.
- MC-249727 - Wardens stop sensing vibrations after world reload.
- MC-249728 - Lava can generate in ancient cities and burn wool/make structures fly.
- MC-249729 - Z-fighting can be seen on the underside of allays’ heads.
- MC-249751 - Warden UV overlapping.
- MC-249758 - Z-fighting can be seen when the arms of allays intersect their bodies.
- MC-249761 - Trapdoor of Ice Box in Ancient Cities is by default open.
- MC-249764 - Second lamp in the centres of ancient cities is missing its sculk sensor.
- MC-249768 - entrance_path_5 can never generate.
- MC-249769 - Unused structures in ancient cities.
- MC-249780 - Blocks that require support can generate floating in ancient cities.
- MC-249785 - Warden can be pushed when emerging and digging.
- MC-249800 - Eating doesn’t activate redstone door in the Ancient City center.
- MC-249816 - Wardens hitbox doesn’t adjust when emerging and digging.
Obtención da snapshot
As snapshots están dispoñibles para Minecraft: Edición Java. Para instalala, abre o lanzador de Minecraft e habilita as snapshots na pestana de “Instalacións”.
As snapshots poden corromper o teu mundo así que, por favor, realiza unha copia de seguridade e/ou utilizaas nunha carpeta distinta da usada usualmente para os teus mundos.
Ficheiro jar multiplataforma: jar de servidor.
Reporta bugs aquí: Traqueador de problemas de Minecraft
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Publicado: 2022/04/06
Autor: Adrian Östergård
Tradutor: Ran#