Táboa de contidos

Notas da versión 22w12a


Novas características

  • Engadidos os efectos da criatura Escuridade
  • Engadida funcionalidade do Berrador Merodeador
  • Engadida a criatura Gardián
  • Engadida barca con cofre
  • Engadido encantamento de Velocidade Agachado

Berrador de Merodeador



Barco con cofre

Velocidade Agachado


  • O bioma de escuridade profunda agora está menos inundada que as áreas circundantes
  • As follas agora son encharcables
  • Eliminado o ciclo de teclas rápidas de depuración da distancia de renderización

Bugs arranxados

  • MC-149805 - While editing a book, you cannot use Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End to jump to the beginning or end of the text.
  • MC-165503 - Fence gates (between walls) aren’t affected by ambient occlusion/smooth lighting.
  • MC-176081 - Striders with NoAI still get cold.
  • MC-177321 - Soul sand doesn’t have smooth lighting / ambient occlusion.
  • MC-179916 - Foxes path towards origin (0,0) during a thunderstorm.
  • MC-190661 - Pressing Esc or using the Cancel button in the “Experimental Settings” warning returns to main menu.
  • MC-197854 - Cannot use Ctrl+Backspace to delete entire words in Edit sign GUI.
  • MC-236149 - You cannot use CTRL+BACKSPACE to delete words in the book and quill GUI.
  • MC-236212 - You cannot use CTRL+ARROW KEY to navigate the cursor between words in the book and quill GUI.
  • MC-238009 - Some end cities can generate floating above the ground.
  • MC-239019 - /locatebiome command doesn’t consistently locate the nearest cave biome.
  • MC-248621 - TagKey creation leads to memory leak.
  • MC-249073 - Mangrove Fence Gate & Mangrove Fence are in the wrong tab in the creative inventory.
  • MC-249081 - Placing water inside the mangrove propagule breaks it.
  • MC-249098 - Mud brick slabs use generic stone sound.
  • MC-249112 - Ender dragon fight is not triggered upon entering the End.
  • MC-249134 - Subtitle “Frog hatches” should be “Tadpole hatches”.
  • MC-249143 - Mud, Mangrove Roots, and their variants are too loud in comparison with other blocks.
  • MC-249171 - Map color for mangrove log is incorrect.
  • MC-249172 - Map color for mangrove slab is incorrect.
  • MC-249173 - Map color for mangrove trapdoor is incorrect.
  • MC-249174 - Map color for mud bricks, mud brick stairs, and mud brick walls is incorrect.
  • MC-249181 - Powered rail / activator rail update order is reversed.
  • MC-249184 - The mangrove fence recipe is not grouped with the fence recipes of other wood types.
  • MC-249195 - Some Mangrove Propagules float after leaves decayed.
  • MC-249253 - Bee tries to pollinate a waterlogged mangrove propagule and dies.
  • MC-249270 - Mangrove leaves do not have a hoe as their preferred tool.
  • MC-249303 - Mangrove Leaves cannot be composted.
  • MC-249312 - Mud Brick Slab has a slower mining speed then other mud bricks.
  • MC-249316 - Mangrove fence, fence gate and boat cannot be used for fuel.

Obtención da snapshot

As snapshots están dispoñibles para Minecraft: Edición Java. Para instalala, abre o lanzador de Minecraft e habilita as snapshots na pestana de “Instalacións”.

As snapshots poden corromper o teu mundo así que, por favor, realiza unha copia de seguridade e/ou utilizaas nunha carpeta distinta da usada usualmente para os teus mundos.

Ficheiro jar multiplataforma: jar de servidor.

Reporta bugs aquí: Traqueador de problemas de Minecraft

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Publicado: 2022/03/24
Autor: Adrian Östergård
Tradutor: Ran#

Original Publication