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Patch Notes | 1.19 Presaída 2

1.19 Presaída 21.19 Presaída 2

A segunda presaída para a 1.19 xa está disponhible cun feixe de correccións de erros!

Unha nota importante é que un cambio recente fixo posible que máis tipos de criaturas aparecesen dentro dos portais do inferno, o cal causaba que cambiasen de dimensións instantáneamente tras aparecer. Aínda non estamos a facer máis cambios sobre isto ata antes de sacar a 1.19, pero a nosa intención para o futuro é previr que a maioría das criaturas aparezan nos portais do inferno e aquelas que o fagan non viaxarán inmediatamente a través do portal. Esperade ver estes cambios na versión futura.


  • Se un Gardián está atascado nun líquido, desaparecerá enfadado en lugar de cavar
  • Revertido o uso do xenérico equip sound ó equipar bloques no espazo da cabeza

Cambios técnicos

  • Engadido evento de xogo teleport cunha vibración de frecuencia 5

Bugs arranxados

  • MC-186148 - “death.attack.witherSkull.item” displays raw translation string (is untranslated).
  • MC-186851 - “death.attack.sting.item” displays raw translation string (is untranslated).
  • MC-207268 - Sculk sensors don’t detect stripping logs, tilling dirt, or pathing grass.
  • MC-208759 - Sculk Sensor’s ‘block placed’ doesn’t trigger with villagers placing crops.
  • MC-208760 - Sculk Sensor’s ‘block placed’ doesn’t trigger when snow golems place snow layers.
  • MC-208761 - Sculk Sensor’s ‘block destroyed’ doesn’t trigger when blocks are destroyed by pistons.
  • MC-209701 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon placing food onto campfires.
  • MC-209900 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon inserting or retrieving music discs from jukeboxes.
  • MC-210330 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon throwing eyes of ender.
  • MC-210489 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon pointed dripstone filling partially filled cauldrons.
  • MC-210496 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon harvesting sweet berry bushes.
  • MC-210801 - Wool incorrectly occludes the vibration of item frames being placed.
  • MC-212430 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon rain or snow filling partially filled cauldrons.
  • MC-213387 - Sculk sensors don’t detect endermen/shulkers teleporting from a place to another.
  • MC-220086 - Sculk sensors do not detect using an axe to clear the wax/weathering of a copper block.
  • MC-220087 - Sculk sensors do not detect using a honeycomb to wax copper.
  • MC-249696 - Certain void worlds fail to spawn the player on the stone platform.
  • MC-250259 - Warden AI doesn’t function properly when it rides on entities.
  • MC-250941 - Goats’ horns don’t snap on copper ore.
  • MC-250956 - Baby goats with horns lose their horns when fed.
  • MC-251314 - Goats loaded from older worlds lose their horns.
  • MC-251336 - Darkness fog flashes at high duration values.
  • MC-251412 - Warden afflicting Darkness to players in the same team.
  • MC-251500 - Wardens ignore PersistenceRequired and dig away.
  • MC-251601 - Darkness rendering incorrectly when reloading the game.
  • MC-251639 - Warden emerging particles don’t match up with block they emerge on the entire way.
  • MC-251646 - “death.attack.sonic_boom.item” displays raw translation string (is untranslated).
  • MC-251670 - Villager sometimes won’t refill their stock.
  • MC-251675 - Mesa Mineshafts no longer generate with /place command outside of badlands biomes despite saying the structure has been generated successfully.
  • MC-251736 - Reflected ghast fireball cannot hit the ghast.
  • MC-251824 - Wardens aren’t angered by being hit with damageless projectiles.
  • MC-251854 - “It Spreads” advancement can be granted when killing a mob that does not give experience.
  • MC-251859 - Gear equipping sound plays every time armor/elytra durability changes while equipped.
  • MC-251860 - The minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic sound is produced when giving items to allays.
  • MC-251862 - Shift clicking the destroy item button in the creative inventory creates a vibration when there is nothing in your equipment slots.
  • MC-251864 - The minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic sound is produced when filling water buckets with fish, axolotls, or tadpoles.
  • MC-251871 - The minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic sound is produced and can only be heard by other players when switching items between hands.
  • MC-251876 - Villagers produce armor equipping sound when previewing armor.
  • MC-251889 - io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException when evaluating too many entity selectors in chat preview.
  • MC-251890 - run_command click events send value as command instead of chat message.
  • MC-251915 - Milking cows, mooshrooms and goats plays gear equipping sound.
  • MC-251916 - Eating food items that return empty containers plays gear equipping sound.
  • MC-251919 - Equipping a player head, skull or carved pumpkin displays the generic “Gear equips” subtitle.
  • MC-251920 - Taking a plant from a pot plays the gear equipping sound and subtitle.
  • MC-251921 - Equipping horse armor onto a horse plays the “Gear equips” sound.
  • MC-251922 - “Gear equips” sound plays when equipping or removing a saddle from a horse wearing horse armor.
  • MC-251924 - Gear equipping sounds and subtitles are played when foxes pick up any item.
  • MC-251925 - Gear equipping sounds and subtitles are played when dolphins throw around items.
  • MC-251927 - Gear equipping sounds and subtitles are played when CanPickUpLoot mobs pick up items.
  • MC-251928 - Gear equips sound plays when filling a single bottle with honey.
  • MC-251929 - Gear equips sound plays when filling a single bottle with water from a water source.

Obtención da presaída

As presaídas están dispoñibles para Minecraft: Edición Java. Para instalala, abre o lanzador de Minecraft e habilita as instantáneas na pestana de “Instalacións”.

As presaídas poden corromper o teu mundo así que, por favor, realiza unha copia de seguridade e/ou utilizaas nunha carpeta distinta da usada usualmente para os teus mundos.

Ficheiro jar multiplataforma: jar de servidor.

Reporta bugs aquí: Traqueador de problemas de Minecraft

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Publicado: 2022/05/18
Autor: Adrian Östergård
Tradutor: Ran#

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