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Patch Notes | 22w19a


Thursday snapshot! Apart from some bugfixes and some changes to fancy tags and commands, we’re introducing “chat preview” as a way to cryptographically sign chat messages that have been dynamically styled by servers. And for this snapshot only, we’ve left in our testing option test-rainbow-chat in, which can be set to true together with the new previews-chat option for testing. If this is something that interests you, and especially if you run a server, we would love your feedback on it.



  • Warden and Iron Golems now make sure to spawn above something solid

Technical Changes

  • Servers can now enable Chat Preview, which displays a server-controlled preview above the chat edit box
  • Changes to the locate and place commands
  • Point of Interest tags

Chat Preview

  • Servers can enable Chat Preview by setting previews-chat=true in
  • When enabled, a server-controlled preview appears above the chat edit box, showing how the message will look when sent
  • This can be used by servers to preview messages with styling applied, such as emojis or chat coloring
  • Chat Preview sends chat messages to the server as they are typed, even before they’re sent
    • The server then sends back the styled preview in real time
    • This allows servers to apply dynamic message stylings while still allowing chat to be securely signed
  • A warning screen is shown on the client when joining a server with Chat Preview, and it can be globally disabled in Chat Settings
  • Dynamic chat styling can also be controlled by the server, although this is only signed when Chat Preview is enabled
    • Clients can prefer to always show the original, signed message by enabling “Only Show Signed Chat” in Chat Settings


  • Added template sub-command to place command
  • locate command moved to locate structure, locatebiome moved to locate biome
  • Added locate poi <type: point_of_interest_type>
  • Servers will now also send an additional icon and MOTD packet after a player has connected
    • This allows servers with enable-status=false to set an icon and MOTD for players that successfully connect

Place Template

The place command can now also place templates at a given location. Syntax:

place template <template> [pos] [rotation] [mirror] [integrity] [seed]

  • place template works like using the load button in the UI for a structure block


  • template: The namespaced id of a template (“structure block file”) to load and place
  • rotation: The rotation to apply (if omitted, none is used)
  • mirror: The mirroring to apply (if omitted, none is used)
  • integrity: The structure integrity value between 0 and 1
  • seed: The seed to use for the randomized degradation when integrity is less than 1

Point of Interest Types

  • Removed unemployed and nitwit point_of_interest_types
  • Added tag point_of_interest_type/acquirable_job_site for all job sites seeked by Villagers with none profession
  • Added tag point_of_interest_type/village for PoI that are part of Village
  • Added tag point_of_interest_type/bee_home for all PoI targeted by Bees

Fixed Bugs

  • MC-197647 - Players cannot jump off the edge of blocks when sneaking if they have a block above.
  • MC-231600 - Sculk sensor continuously receives vibrations when next to a powered big dripleaf.
  • MC-249130 - Tadpoles hatch inside of adjacent blocks, causing them to suffocate and die.
  • MC-249161 - Frogs frequently get stuck below lily pads.
  • MC-249634 - Warden’s sniffing behavior continues after being distracted.
  • MC-249664 - Warden despawns when far away.
  • MC-249801 - Mineshafts can intersect ancient cities.
  • MC-249888 - Warden is not angered when hit by a blaze fireball.
  • MC-249910 - Warden “Nearby Closest” sound is unused.
  • MC-249966 - Warden can stop chasing a target it just roared at.
  • MC-250172 - Warden doesn’t turn towards the direction it is firing the Sonic Boom attack.
  • MC-250233 - A warden summoned from a spawn egg suddenly losing its AI.
  • MC-250255 - Warden’s Sonic Boom cannot hurt Ender Dragon, it only pushes it back.
  • MC-250272 - Warden spawns in blocks that have no collision.
  • MC-250353 - Warden cannot spawn on a single snow layer like other mobs.
  • MC-250357 - Sculk sensors and Wardens detect when a player holds up a shield.
  • MC-250948 - Warden’s ranged attack is no longer affected by the game’s difficulty.
  • MC-250966 - Dying to the warden’s sonic boom doesn’t count as the warden’s kill.
  • MC-251029 - Warden froze and stopped being hostile towards the player.
  • MC-251263 - “Invalid signature for profile public key” when trying to open a singleplayer world.
  • MC-251316 - The game crashes when loading chunks that consist of jigsaw blocks.
  • MC-251321 - Warden can be pushed by explosions while emerging.
  • MC-251350 - /give @s goat_horn gives an unregistered goat horn.
  • MC-251396 - .lang.IllegalArgumentException: Name and ID cannot both be blank.
  • MC-251464 - When passive mobs take damage from warden’s sonic boom, they won’t flee in panic.

Get the Snapshot

Snapshots are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the “Installations” tab.

Snapshots can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.

Cross-platform server jar: Minecraft server jar.

Report bugs here: Minecraft issue tracker!

Want to give feedback?
Head over to our feedback website or come chat with us about it on the official Minecraft Discord.

Published: 2022/05/12
Author: Adrian Östergård
Adaptor: Ran#

Original Publication